CBUB / Database / Games / H / Heihachi Mishima

Heihachi Mishima

CBUB Wins: 5
CBUB Losses: 17
CBUB Ties: 1
Win Percentage: 22.73%

Added by: doctor block

Read more about Heihachi Mishima at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Namco Bandai Games, Inc.

is a fictional and one of the main characters in the Tekken fighting game series. He is one of only four characters (the others being Paul Phoenix, Nina Williams and Yoshimitsu) to have appeared in every game in the series and he makes two appearances within the series as the final boss (in both Tekken and Tekken 4).

He is also the only Tekken character aside from Yoshimitsu to be featured in the Soul series (he is a guest character in Soulcalibur II on the PlayStation 2 console).

Tekken series director Katsuhiro Harada has stated that Heihachi is his favorite character in the overall series. and the character he most frequently selects when playing. He further described Heihachi as a "very human character", stating that while focus had been placed on his appearance he found the character's philosophy more interesting, and that in the series he was a "perfect portrayal of the evil that lurks in mens' hearts", an evil "far more hideous than any made-up monster or demon." Heihachi's fighting style is not based on any existing style, and was instead created by the series' development team.

Heihachi is the son of Jinpachi Mishima, the father of Kazuya Mishima and Lars Alexandersson, the adopted father of Lee Chaolan, and the grandfather of Jin Kazama. He fights with Mishima Style Fighting Karate and is the founder and the Commander of the Tekken Force Unit. He has hosted half of the King of the Iron Fist Tournaments with the second, fifth and sixth King of Iron Fist Tournaments being hosted by Kazuya, Jinpachi, and Jin respectively.

Heihachi Mishima Heihachi Mishima Heihachi Mishima Heihachi Mishima Heihachi Mishima Heihachi Mishima

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Master Roshi 21 to 49
Loss Pit 29 to 52
Loss Nimrod 35 to 73
Loss Akuma 33 to 66
Loss Strong Guy 45 to 54
Win Johnny Cage 56 to 51
Win Shang Tsung 59 to 54
Loss Blaze 32 to 69
Loss Sebastian Shaw 30 to 52
Loss Videl 51 to 62
Loss Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski) 31 to 48
Loss Akuma 39 to 55
Loss Guile 40 to 52
Win Sasuke Uchiha 54 to 44
Loss Master Roshi 8 to 27
Loss Gouken 4 to 17
Loss General M. Bison 12 to 14
Loss The Balrog 5 to 12
Loss Albert Wesker 8 to 13
Win Kingpin 10 to 2
Win Geese Howard 2 to 0
Tie Algol 3 to 3

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